Doctor Bakshi is an Indian Bengali Crime-Mystery Thriller film. Saptaswa Basu Directed as well as written the film. The film is produced by Saptarshi Sen under SVM Banner. The Music of the film is composed by Nabarun Bose, Dabbu, and Subhadeep Mitra. Starring Parambrata Chattopadhyay, and Subhasree Ganguly in the lead role. Now the Film is all set
Doctor Bakshi is an Indian Bengali Crime-Mystery Thriller film. Saptaswa Basu Directed as well as written the film. The film is produced by Saptarshi Sen under SVM Banner. The Music of the film is composed by Nabarun Bose, Dabbu, and Subhadeep Mitra. Starring Parambrata Chattopadhyay, and Subhasree Ganguly in the lead role. Now the Film is all set to be released in the Theatre.
Movie Rating
Dostojee is a Bengali Crime-Mystry Thriller film. It Starring Parambrata Chattopadhyay, and Subhasree Ganguly in the lead role when a novelist gets trapped in a murder mystery, Doctor Bakshi uses his medical methods to uncover hidden secrets from the past. The film is set to be released on 20 Jan 2023. The IMDb Page.
About Movie Update
The film is set to be released only in theaters on 20 Jan 2023. So don’t waste time, Go and Watch the film. if anyone misses the film. then I can’t help you all Sorry For That This is Just a Blog About Movie Update And Release dates.
Movie Storyline
When a novelist gets trapped in a murder mystery, Doctor Bakshi uses his medical methods to uncover hidden secrets from the past. When a novelist gets trapped in a murder mystery, Doctor Bakshi uses his medical methods to uncover hidden secrets from the past.
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Movie Cast
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Movie: | Doctor Bakshi |
Language: | Bengali |
Cast: | Parambrata Chattopadhyay, and Subhasree Ganguly |
Director: | Saptaswa Basu |
Music: | Nabarun Bose, Dabbu, and Subhadeep Mitra |
Genre: | Crime-Mystery Thriller film |
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